Solo Exhibition of Paintings by Brian Gibson
Thursday June 6 to Saturday June 29, 2019
Portraiture has been a historic representation of society and the continuing similarities found in the human experience. Styles may change -hair, clothing, but we are fundamentally the same throughout time.
"ICONS" is my study of portraits through the decades of the best, determined by popular demand, in North American pop culture. As we view these icons, most of them are viewing us -the observed observing, if not they are presenting their own personality or directing us to their interests that are out of our viewing area.
This is the first instalment of "ICONS" which will be a continuing project.
Born in Toronto, raised in small town Ontario, attended York University in pursuit of a fine arts degree. The BFA still eludes me. As early as 1973, awarded county recognition in a juried show, and have continued to show in occasional juried shows.
Lived in Washington DC. for several years during which time I belonged to an artist co-op, A Salon Ltd. and was president of the co-op for a period of time. Co-owner of gallery in A Salon, called GALLERIA where I had several exhibitions with my co-owner, as well as functions such as our annual HEART AUCTION, fire sales, and group showings.
I have several murals and commissioned paintings, including corporate portraits, hanging in homes and businesses throughout North America.
IMAGE: Icons montage by Brian Gibson -clockwise from lower left: David Bowie, Debbie Harry, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe